Overview of Work Check-Ins

Work Check-Ins allows teams to check-in with each other on work progress — recent accomplishments, upcoming goals, and more.

Teams use Work Check-Ins to:

✅ Replace team stand up meetings with async updates on Candor

📌 Stay up to date on teammate work progress, blockers, goals, and learnings

Why use Work Check-Ins with your team?

🗺 Create alignment and transparency on work progress.  Make it easier to understand what teammates are working on, even remotely.

⌛️ Spend less time in status-update meetings. Allow teammates to stay focused by cancelling unnecessary standup meetings and instead, share progress async.

Setting up Work Check-Ins

To set up the Work Check-Ins mission, follow these steps:

1. Set up a Team Space. Make sure you have a Team Space set up. If you don’t, you’ll need to set that up first, which you can do here.

2. Click on Work Check-Ins Dashboard. Click on the Work Check-Ins dashboard, which can be found on the left side of your Feed page or on the top of your Team Space page.

3. Select check-in prompts. Teammates will be prompted to answer all prompts before completing their check-in. If they want, they can also answer other prompts that aren’t required.

4. Set the recurrence. Set a preference for how often teammates should do work check-ins. On the day and time you select, we’ll send an email-notification reminding teammates to share their check-in. You can select either weekly or bi-weekly recurrence.

5. Launch Work Check-Ins. If you have more than 4 teammates and haven’t upgraded your account, you’ll need to add a credit card to do so. If you have less than 4 teammates, you can click “Launch Check-Ins” which will start the mission.

Inviting teammates to Work Check-Ins

You’ll need to invite teammates to Candor so that they can see your check-ins (and you can see theirs)!

The easiest way to invite teammates to Candor is by clicking on the ‘Invite’ icon on the left side of your Feed, next to your Team Space name.

You’ll then be prompted to input your teammates’ emails or copy a link to send them. If you copy the link, you can paste it in Slack/Teams or in an email, prompting your teammates to sign up.

With either of these methods, your teammates will automatically be added to your Team Space and invited to participate in Work Check-Ins.How to share a work check-inOnce you’ve set up the mission, you’re ready to share a work-check-in.First, navigate to the Work Check-Ins dashboard by clicking on Work Check-Ins on the left part of the Feed:

How to share a work check-in

Once you’ve set up the mission, you’re ready to share a work-check-in.

First, navigate to the Work Check-Ins dashboard by clicking on Work Check-Ins on the left part of the Feed:

Or, by navigating to your Team Space page and clicking the “Work Check-Ins” card in the top section of the page.

Once you are in the Work Check-Ins dashboard, you will see a “Time for your work check-in” card. Click on the card to open the modal to share your check-in.

You’ll see the required prompts to answer to complete your work check-in. All teammates will see these same prompts. After you’ve completed your required prompts, you’ll have the option of answering other prompts about your work progress.

When you’re finished, click “Complete Check-In” or click the X icon in the top right corner of the screen to be brought back to the check-ins dashboard.

How to view work check-ins

You can view work check-ins in a few places:

  1. In your Feed. When a teammate shares a work check-in, it will appear in the Feed for everyone on the team. If you navigate to your Feed you will see any recent check-ins shared on your team.
  2. In the Work Check-Ins dashboard. To see all check-ins shared (by you or teammates) over time, navigate to the Work Check-Ins dashboard. You can do so by clicking “Work Check-Ins” on the left side of your Feed or by clicking the Work Check-Ins card in your Team Space on the top of the page.
  3. In Slack. If your team has integrated Candor with Slack, we will notify of new check-ins in the integrated channel. You’ll see a preview of the check-in and a link to see the full check-in in Candor.

Work check-ins have team-wide visibility, which means only members of your Team Space will see check-ins and any related comments.

Commenting and reacting to work check-ins

All teammates can add reactions and comments to work check-ins in the Team Space.

There are 6 possible reactions on Candor:

  • ✨ Nice!
  • ❤️ Love
  • 👁 Feeling seen
  • 💭 Curious
  • 💡 Inspired
  • 😃 Haha

Teammates can add multiple reactions to check-ins to convey how the check-in makes them feel. They can also add comments to the check-in.

Comments and reactions will show on the check-in itself, in the feed, and in the Candor-integrated Slack channel (if applicable).

Notifications for check-ins

Reminders for doing check-ins

When you set up Work Check-Ins, we’ll ask you how often you want to do check-ins with your team and when you’d like to be reminded to do so. You’ll have the option to be reminded to do Work Check-Ins:

  • Once per week
  • Once every other week

You will also select the day of the week and time, which will be when we send you and teammates an email reminder to share a check-in.

Notification that my teammate did a check-in

We’ll send a notification to Slack if someone on your team shares a work check-in (if you have Slack integrated). You will also see this in your team’s Weekly Recap email, which is sent every Monday, as well as in your Feed.

Further Reading

To get the most out of Work Check-Ins, we have a few tips and tricks:

  • When you set up Work Check-Ins, make sure to kick things off by sharing a check-in yourself. It helps get the cycle of sharing started and will encourage your teammates to participate from the start!
  • Integrate with Slack. If your team uses Slack to communicate, integrate Candor with your Slack workspace. We’ll send relevant notifications to keep everyone up to date on check-ins happening in Candor.
  • Cancel status update meetings. Your team will thank you. Status update meetings are no longer necessary when you share updates through work check-ins.

Related resources

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